“Who would have thought~33 years old, 3 beautiful daughters under the age of 5 and a wonderful husband, Christopher, that me, Gina.....a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mommy....a cousin and a friend would be diagnosed with breast cancer. But the fact is, I have breast cancer and I have no other option, but to fight.....to become a warrior, to live and to learn, to come out on top with a greater purpose in life.”



Gina O’Connell has indeed been diagnosed with Stage IV Breast Cancer.  Gina, her husband Chris, and three young daughters have a rough road ahead, but YOU can help!


A fundraiser for the family has been planned for April 2nd at the Parkwood Baptist Church in Chicago from 10am to 1pm.  This fundraiser gives us a chance to raise money for the O’Connell’s while showering them with love, support, and encouragement.  The cost to attend is $40, with half of all registration fees going directly to Gina and Chris.  There will be rubber stamping projects for the ladies to complete, a 50/50 raffle and games for the gentlemen, food and drinks, donated raffle items, and more!


To register for the event, please contact Shannon Seneczko at 815-609-3718 or msseneczko@att.net.  Shannon can also answer any questions or take event donations, such as gift certificates or gift baskets for the raffle or silent auction.


The O’Connell Family Fundraiser


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